A must-Read Beginner's Guide to Photography
Mastering the Aesthetics of Light and Shadow: A must-Read Beginner's Guide to Photography
Photography is not only a technology, but also a way to express personality and feelings. To a beginner, the world of photography can seem complex and mysterious. To help those who are new to photography, we have put together this must-read beginner's guide to photography, so that you can easily enter this creative and surprising field.
There are countless cameras, lenses, and accessories on the market today. We can find a lot of reviews, and then choose the one you think is suitable for you, there are many styles of cameras, but we do not need to buy a lot at the beginning, shooting depends on your understanding of your own camera, the understanding of photography technology and knowledge. The most important thing is to pick up the camera in your hand!
1.Work on your composition
If you want to take good photos, you must work on the composition. Composition is a very complex and difficult to master part, can not be practiced overnight, is the need to persevere to invest time and energy to practice and experience. Think as much as you can, and put your thoughts into your photos, and try to take the best photos of yourself.
It starts with understanding the basics of how to take great photos. Don't use borders to cut important parts of your subject, keep your field of view level, and try to eliminate any distractions in the photo by adjusting the composition. See if your photos have a sense of balance and simplicity. It's not easy at first, but keep at it until you get it right.
2.Know your camera
The camera has many, many Settings, it takes some time to get to know your camera, especially for novice friends, to work well, you must first use its tools. Know your camera well, even advanced photographers won't always be perfect.
At first, you may be more inclined to use full automatic mode and leave everything to the camera, but this is not a good choice. You need to understand and learn the basic techniques of shooting, such as aperture, shutter, ISO, etc. Although it is not easy at first, keep at it and you will have more fun with photography.
In addition to the golden triangle of shutter, aperture and ISO, it is also necessary to understand how to focus, use different focusing modes, and use different focusing modes for stationary and moving subjects.
3.Pay attention to light use
Photography is the art of light, and light is the most important part of photography. If you use light properly, you are more likely to get a good picture. But what is good light? It's not just the sunset light.
Usually, we need to balance the light between the subject and the background. Even if the light at sunset is fantastic, our photos can be ruined by total darkness and a silhouette foreground.
The easiest way to solve this problem is to pay attention to the direction and softness of the light. If the light is too harsh, it may create bad shadows on the subject, which is especially true for portrait photography. If the light is coming from an inappropriate Angle, you can move the light source (in the studio) or move the subject (outside) - or wait until the light is better (landscape photography).
If you're shooting hand-held, be sure to find a way to get enough light, either by using a flash to increase the light or by moving to a brighter spot.
4.Calm down
When you first learn to shoot, you make a lot of mistakes, and it's not easy to take a good picture. At this time, you need to sink into learning and thinking, especially in the novice phase.
First of all, you need to make sure that your camera Settings are suitable for the scene you are shooting in. If they are not, the photos you get may not be the same as the ones you want. Take a moment. Check it first.
Then, also think about other things besides the camera Settings, is the composition good enough? Are you focusing on the right points? Is the light adjusted?
After taking the photo, look at your photo as soon as possible, analyze and summarize where the photo is good, where the photo is bad, not until you go back to the computer to see, solve the problem on the spot, rather than waiting.
5.Get moving
Photography is a physical activity, because only when you move can you discover different angles and get better compositions and photos. It's easy to shoot in one place, but then all your photos will be from almost the same Angle, the same height, and you'll miss a lot of things.
What you need to do is move, change the Angle of view of the subject, the height, forward or backward, whatever, move.
Moving is the only way to change the position and size of your subject in your photo, and while a zoom lens can save you two steps to some extent, it can't replace everything. For example, if there is a stone in your frame that will interfere with the reader's view, you need to move to find the right Angle to make the stone disappear from your photo.
6.Learn to use a tripod
The tripod is one of the greatest inventions in photography. They all but eliminate one of the thorniest problems: lack of light. Using a tripod, you can shoot multi-minute exposures and capture details, even those invisible to the human eye. In brighter scenes, a tripod can also improve the stability of your composition and help you take sharper photos.
7.Learn some basic post-processing
With some post-production, ordinary photos can become very beautiful. But it should be noted that do not over post, it will make the photo look fake. When editing, you can save the post photos to a folder, rather than overwriting the original file, try to keep a copy of the original file.
As for how much is excessive in the later period, depending on the opinion, in any case, the later period can not replace you to put your thinking in your photos
8.Try something new
As you pat, you will find yourself falling into some habitual ways, similar angles, similar styles. Try a few different things, or a new shooting technique, or a new shooting scene, or even a new post-production technique or style.
Go to places you've never been before, try things you've never tried before, and you'll find more and more fun in photography.
9.Talk to other photographers
One of the most effective ways to learn and improve your photography skills is to communicate with other photographers, as well as gain inspiration and advice.
If you are in the habit of self-learning, you can also get relevant information through FB, YouTuBe, etc.
Whatever channel you choose, don't stop learning.
10.Enjoy shooting
It's a joy to shoot, that's for sure. Think about why you're taking pictures. This is a meaningful thing, you can freeze time, discover creativity, create a different world, also, there are so many people in the world have different ideas, shoot different styles, bring fun to people all over the world, and more than fun, let the world know more about the world